jeremy slams.
ring ring gose the door
bell, into jacks house we go.
ambrose come in close behind. and put your
board down.
sam dosnt let go.
sydor is holding the only copy PE. so everyone
set down and lets get this thing started.
glassy like to dance. ambrose looks a
bit bored of the video already.
prior slams also.
ambrose had to do the
beer run, arcoss the street the iga. but his only 15, haha
sucker. eveyone gave him there
shane hits mappys camera. hugh is going to do a
directors commentary...maybe.
gogging man gets gnarly.
tom was loving it.
jack need this
glassers the watch the video. so did a
little tacker.
huggzy nuggzy. jeremy was
loving his part.
ambrose skates inside jezza's house. and hugh said yet another
funny comment.
henry dose a hand plant in the woods. nothing more really needs to be said, he was after
black lastpart.
he also plays buterful music. hanry has a
day in the life on the dvd .
jackson plays in the snow. just a little look into the
bouse frech.
smoko time.
chirs haslam skates leifs mini. yep us one of the pros in povitive.
sam geroge last part.
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