Friday, December 5, 2008


skating the spet and setting on ya ass or in dicks
stuart made a new mate, he just wonted to stay and live in ohio
just helping out a little lady, but it got all broken up by and dogass of a man to become the hero
toke the bus with the rest of the tourist, to have a look at all kinds of shit, crap and pooh 
andy's look-a-like
cam's look-a-life
kevin's look-a-like
beardo's look-a-like
hayden's like-a-look
city wall had a ball roof
all kinds off m&ms nice looking ones and and gay pride ones 
stuart flying high
cams sticker job 
dog in a box, grab the little fucker and put him in the shoe box
little stoners eyes 
dog in a box

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