Saturday, September 27, 2008


traffic was so bad today, it was all day and ever ending. 
la river.
crailslide, even me a broke i just learn it. foot not sideways
hella air time, the lads were killing it
jeremy and jack come skate with bowl with me
we had to drop a homie lax, a bottle opener is the number one thing you need in your car.
this is way, all the traffic. 
down for life? your slamming her? ...yeah right
hell yeah
we were just bored of sitting around at some spot, so we skates atiba's ramp.
everyone was killing it.
5-0 fakie 
photo: atiba pro photographer 
fs blunt 
showing off his shooting arm
cutest dog of 2008 voted by crailtap or something.
drop of the day?
$500,000 no deal
meet up with boosh
when to ohio. and sat around, and sat around some more.
skated some spot

kevin noille crooks
boosh feeble
andy bs nosegrind
hayden and i, learnt fs wallrides, and broke some walls trying.

tongue kiss, and dope hats
then shit go a bit fuzzy at ohio.

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