Tuesday, April 15, 2008

lets get lifted day two

there was a little team manerger meeting with choi and bjon, frist thing. and brad smoked as the meeting went down. the man in black. peanut was really cold this morning, he was wearing like four or five layors. and i got a little artfag on.find the featch. in the photo above.
we skated some ledgers that nugget would cream this paints over!
i got my bootleg on lance's artly photos.
our fisherman friend, cort a nice little flat head. brad knew a little bit more then the old man about the fish, the old men got stun by the spikes on its back. is she a keeper?
we peaced out and homie keep no chillin! saw a flying star in the blue sky.

we had a long ass drive, to get to this spot. lance got the gigals over this photo. i was so boerd on this car ride i started getting all artfag agian.we skated one of the best drain/hip spots ever. its out in god knows where. and it was so much fun!
we had a little drink and some food, but the night wasnt over yet, lance put on this danceing shoes, then saw this cunt then shit just got gay. there was kids skating bondi bowl in the middle of the bloody night! they had light and music it was crazy.

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