Wednesday, April 30, 2008

positive energy afterparty

the man, himself sydor! he man behind it all, he is the reason all you fools come that night.what did you think of the video guys? i have no idea im so drunk! getrad gave it two thumbs up! and dix gave it one thumbs up.
good old tom walsh and robbert the winner. gayfag had one trick in the video and it was hella gnar! dane also got in with robbert.
dane burman loves my girlfriend. his alway asked me to send him nuked photos of she. and thats before they even meet. had gave his part four out of five, and james gave it one more to make it five of of five. oh sorry i cut your head off...
oh how could jasmina not go for you with a face like that? im lucky you live in sydney! you two dont have shit on beardo!
callum paul the star of the show! and his sister. $50 bitch! drink up callbot! jack really liked calbots part! and then i tried to ask mappy, but jack just awsered for him, with the same thing. his a nice guy, that jack felo.
shane also had a part, it dosent have any nathan jackson footage in it but the parts still bloody good! what are you tring to say! middzy got gnarly!
and line to get into the after party! and the line in fount of us! sam was doing something to pass the time. luke and a lady friend where chilling. and dix got fingered in his backhoe. luck g was sleeping as he wait and guystocks was squetting.

mappy and just some of his girls! is he going up? or down? mappy hads one kid and other on the way, well not those two! now thats how you drink! oh shit i found $10!
shane can now get washed up now his one of his manly video parts is now done.
tommy fynn baby strait out of south afrita and luke crooker not even fresh but keen. they are pretty fresh
jackson was trying to feel up jasmina but got my bum instede. getrad is in love!
this photo was trying up-side-down. jezza didnt want to get this hair wet in the rain. jezza's hood!
jack has a shaird part with ambrose. whatch out jack will burn you with his criguret. gayfag was back in melbourne to party! and he knoked himself out walking home.
getrad holds my beer as i get to work.
dane dosen't drink so his already a big enuther cunt already. cassie kissers really weried.
this photo is the end of the blog but not the end of the party. i love callum's hair

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